The Five Things I Learned From Mindset Monday
Today I attended a Mindset Class hosted by the amazing Sam Othman. His class was based on the book The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth by John Maxwell.
The discussion was around chapter 9 The Law of The Ladder:
The following are my 5 takeaways from this Roundtable discussion:
It is often said that character can be defined as what you do when no one is looking. If we are to climb the success ladder, our character is the foundation on which that ladder rest. There can be no meaningful growth absent trust. And, there can be no trust absent a reputation built on integrity (or character)
Simply said, it is imperative that you follow the Golden Rule. Think about how you would like to be treated and then go out and treat others that way. I would suggest that you also consider following the Platinum Rule. And that is that you connect with, communicate with, and treat people in a manner consistent with their needs not yours.
It is often said that a maid has a dirty house, a mechanics car doesn't run well. And, a plumber's faucets leak. And, while this may be a stereotype, it is important to note that if you are not passionate about what you do, growth in that skillset or endeavor will be hard to come by. Realtors are great at earning money. Poor at investing it. Of the top professional groups, Realtors are least likely to own multiple real estate assets.
In all things be humble. I promise you that in a good market, you are not nearly as good as you think you are. And, in a bad market, you are not as bad as others would paint you. If you come from a servant's mindset, your clients will trust that you are in this for their benefit. John F. Kennedy once said of his situation that the ocean he faces is so large yet, his boat is so small. If the leader of the free world can show such humility, surely the humble real estate professional can as well.
Above all else, be true to who you portray yourself to be. And base all your decisions on what is best for your clients. Once your clients smell commission breath, you have lost their trust. Frame every transaction in a blanket of trust and compassion.
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