Ooooops, He Did It Again!

Good Morning
This past week, Gary Keller announced that he would be assuming the mantel of CEO as our company once again redefines itself and, the industry in which we serve.
I thought that it was important to address this shift in leadership because I believe that once again, a great leader is leading by example. And, the message that you should be hearing cannot be ignored if you are to successfully reposition yourself and your business in this ever shifting market in which we are now fully engulfed.
In case you missed it, this is the message I believe he is sending each of us through his actions. Simply stated, it is time for all leaders to roll up their sleeves and get back to the business of running your business. Make sure that you are not only the author of your story. But also the messenger who delivers your story. History has shown us that when we leave it to our competitors to tell our story, it is rarely delivered in a manner that reflects well on us.
In the book SHIFT, the book that has had the most impact and influence on how I navigate shifting markets, it clearly says that in times like these, you must have a “all hands on deck mindset”. There can be no job or detail so small that any one on your team can feel free to disregard.
This is a time when we hold our time and our money accountable. We cannot afford to waste either. In times like these, it is imperative that we master the art of leverage.
In our market centers, we are seeing this mindset take root in those who have given so much to our group through their leadership. Some of our very best are foregoing the opportunity to lead outside interest. And, instead are taking ownership of task and responsibilities that will only be able to drive the success of their respective businesses if these task are given the proper priority and, focus.
I am proud those who are heeding the call to clean up ”their house”. And, in doing so are redefining who they are in their respective markets.
I know that there will be a time, when appropriate that Gary will once again turn over the helm of this ship he currently is steering through an ever shifting tide. But, I have confidence that, that won’t happen until we are safely on the other side.
And, that is the message he is sending you through his actions. That is the example being demonstrated by the agent leaders in our market centers through their actions.
My hope for you is that you heed that call. And, that today is the day that you ask yourself what it is that you don’t know about your business? And, what is it that you need to take personal attention to in the year to come, if you are to safely navigate the troubled waters on our horizon.
Your Proud Team Leader


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