Outwitting The Devil

Good Morning,

This past week I read (for the sixth time) one of my all time favorite books. It is by the famous author Napoleon Hill who wrote the book Think and Grow Rich. This book is a classic that should be on everyone’s “Must Read” list. However, today I want to take a moment to talk about his other book. One that I believe is far more relevant. Even if it is not as well known.

The book is called Outwitting The Devil. And, it is about a (mythical) conversation between Hill and the devil. This book was written two years (1932) after Think and Grow Rich. But, because it was deemed to be too controversial for the times, it was locked in a vault not to be made public until 2011. And, I believe, that this book is as valid today as it was the day it was written.

In 1932 the world was just beginning to recover from the Great Depression. In 2011 we were just starting to see the seeds of recovery from the worldwide financial collapse of 2007.

In 1932, the world was brought down by a failed stock market. In 2007 the world was brought to it’s knees by an incredibly flawed Real Estate market. In both cases, it was the desire to get something for nothing (greed) that drove the collapse.

The book goes on to discuss (through the words of the devil) many societal topics such as religion, where he states there is no physical being for either God or the Devil. Rather he equates good and evil through the laws of nature. God represents the positive energy in nature from the atomic level up, and the Devil represents the negative.

This topic alone would have been so controversial in the 30’s that is clearly might have caused riots in the streets while bringing on the wrath of organized religion upon the author.

So, how does all of this relate to your business and your life? And, clearly it does, so if you will hang in there, I will attempt to explain.

Positive Energy: Whether in your relationships or your business, has to include a focused effort.
Negative Energy: Would be one in which you drift without purpose, goals or, energy.

Positive Energy: Time on task over time. Simply stated, it requires that you stay on course, moving forward towards your goals despite the obstacles that life puts in your way.
Negative Energy: Alowing yourself to drift over time with no singular purpose. No, goals.

Positive Energy: Recognizing that born in the fruit of failure, are the seeds of opportunity. And, it is through those tiny seeds (properly nourished) that most success is realized.
Negative Energy: Accepting failures as a final destination.

Positive Energy: Relying on self determination
Negative Energy: Living a fear based life.

This market is beginning to plant the seeds of opportunity. Which means that those who live a fear based life will no doubt find failure. But, for those of you who live a life of purpose, those tiny seed will provide you with the fruits of newfound success if you only commit the time necessary to bring them to fruition. Absent a committed focus, many who are amongst us today, will not be in the industry tomorrow. But, for those who survive, their world will be brighter for the effort.

If you are currently drifting. And, are not certain of where you should be pointed. Or, what you need to be doing, I would love the opportunity to speak with you.

Proud to be in relationship with you.



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