Weekend Wishes 5/13/18
Good morning,
Today is Mother's Day. And, it is my hope that you take a moment to reflect on the influences that ALL of the mothers in your life have had on you. I say that because I have never met a mother who was not both a teacher and a nurturer.
My own mother was like a best friend as I was growing up. She at times was bigger than life itself. And, at other times vulnerable to the pressures of life. She taught me how to enjoy life. And, for that, I will always be grateful. And, while it is not possible for me to express my love and gratitude to her today. If I could, I would want her to know that there is not a time when I think of her that it doesn't bring a smile to my face. And, a warmth to my heart.
At different times in my life, the other mothers in my life coached me, molded me, and guided me to be the person that you know today. Some were aunts (Jeanie, Carmen and, Betty) and I owe each of them for the lessons that they taught me.
At other times, my cousins (Dayna and Denise) stepped up and supported me while I dealt with difficulties that I thought were too much for me to overcome. Their love gave me the strength to persevere when doing so seemed to me to be an undaunting task.
There were also times when my daughters Shauna and, Lisa (both mothers) took on the task. And, without them, my later years might have been dramatically different. The advice they gave and, the wisdom that they showed moved the ball forward in the game (of my) life.
Finally, there is my wife (Lourdes). She at all times has been a rock that I lean on. She is both a friend, coach and, teacher. She is responsible for the final touches that you see in me today. She has taught me patience, by demonstrating great patience with me. She has taught me compassion, by demonstrating great compassion for me.
And, Finally, she gave me the gift of unconditional love. She gives so much, asks for so little. And, in the end, she makes me a better man.
So for all the "Mothers" in my life, I say thank you. I love each of you. And, I will never be able to thank you for the gifts that you have given me.
That is probably more about me than you needed to know. But, for each of you, it is my hope that you recognize the mothers in your lives for the many contributions that they have made to your growth and development. In the end, great mothers, teach us to be better people. And, for that, they earn a special place in our hearts.
Proud to be in relationship with you,
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