
Showing posts from January, 2020

Lessons Learned From Chop Wood, Carry Water

It is said that "Greatness isn't for the chosen few, it is for the few who choose." In today's Mindset Monday class we began delving into the process of becoming great (at anything). We did so by reviewing the first few chapters of "Chop Wood, Carry Water" written and recorded by Joshua Medcalf. At its heart, this book teaches us that mastery can only come through a process. A process that will no doubt include many failures. Success, in short, is dirty, hard work. In order to succeed, you must be willing to go through the pain and monotony that is required in order to build the foundational habits required of a successful endeavor. And, you can never ignore the little things. In the end, they are the ones that cost us the most. To illustrate this, he told us the story of a Japanese master home builder by the name of Kota. For, 30 years, he built custom homes for his company that were universally considered throughout Japan to be of the utmost q...

The Freedom That Can Only Come From Accepting Responsibility

Happy 2020 To My Realtor Friends and Family, Of all the trainings that I have taken over the years, there are few that rank up there with a simple 4 minute YouTube video that I watched eight or nine years ago. The link is included below. It is a video about accepting 100% of the responsibility. And offer 0% in excuses (or blame). In my lifetime there have been times where I have faced challenges that I believed I would not be able to overcome. Challenges that I easily could claim that they were not my fault. However, defusing blame, making excuses, is a fool's folly. It serves no useful purpose. And, can only raise the level of difficulty in overcoming the hurdles that you must face. When we take 100% responsibility, our mindset changes. Our energy becomes laser-focused. And, our problems become more manageable. When a company adopts this culture shift across the board at every level, something magical happens. The energy level is far more positive. Solutions come ...