Disclose Disclose Disclose
In Real Estate there is one responsibility that easily outweighs any other that a seller (or his agent) have. That is the one regarding disclosure. Simply stated if you know a pertinent fact or detail germane to the property, it must be disclosed. Failure to do so could put the offending party at severe risk of litigation. For the seller, the form most commonly used to achieve this purpose is the Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement or the TDS for short. I thought it appropriate to spend a little time investigating this form because properly filled out it can be a shield, improperly completed and it will be the spear by which you are skewered. As with all of the CAR forms, the first section identifies the property in question and confirm that it is in compliance with section 1102 of the civil code as of the date it is completed. Section two clarifies whether or not the seller is living in the property, and the amenities of the home. Through a series of check boxes we c...